CTFO Customer Testimonials 

 (Just a Few of Many) 


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Migraine Pain

I love using the CBD Products from CTFO! 
Why? Let me explain. I have a history of bad migraines nearly ever day. I was in town the other day my head started hurting pretty bad and then my vision got so blurred. 
What did I do? I pulled out my convenient CBD pain spray from my purse and put 2 squirts under my tongue. Held it there for about one minute then swallowed. My migraine was gone within 10 minutes. I'm like. I highly recommend trying it. You will be impressed just like me.

Back Pain

Here is my personal testimony about using the Ultimate deep healing pain cream with cbd hemp oil and emu oil.

My close friends know that I have been dealing with back pain for years. Im always asking "can you come rub my back?"
The meds that the dr prescribes only make me sleep... Thats it.

Praying for RELIEF... Surgery wasn't an option for me...I just dealt with the pain.

I've seen reports in the news about this CBD hemp oil and how it could possibly take my back pain away so I decided to try it. I placed my order and waited a few days and when it arrived, I had my friend apply it to my back. That was 4 days ago and I haven had an ounce of pain in my back since using the cbd oil. I couldnt believe it. 
Lord, I even twisted and turned trying to feel some pain... Because I couldn't believe it! But Nope... Nada... Nothin'! No pain!

This cbd hemp oil is the truth guys.


Menstrual Cramps

“I used the cream for my menstrual cramps earlier this week. My menstrual cramps often creep up on me much faster than I can catch with pain relievers. This often leaves me in crippling pain until the medicine has had the opportunity to kick in 20-30 minutes later. I used a dime size amount if the cream on my lower abdomen and it began to work immediately. I was in shock! This product allowed me to get back to business as usual, and I never missed a beat. “ — R.A., CTFO CBD Products Customer

CBD oil and Ultimate Deep Healing Pain Cream

My boyfriend deals with a fair amount of daily back pain, so he ordered the 500mg CBD oil and the Ultimate Deep Healing Pain Cream with Emu Oil a little while ago. They’ve been working fantastically! The pain cream works very quickly, and the oil has helped his daily pain levels. Today, he wanted me to give him a massage and asked me to use the pain cream because his back was sore. For those of you who haven’t used it yet, it absorbs quickly. Which is what you want in a good pain cream! But it’s not very helpful for a long relaxing massage. So, I got the idea to add some of our CBD oil to make it a better texture for a massage and HOLY COW!! It was perfect!! Smooth and silky and not overly greasy. The smells mixed together nicely as well. I was able to give him a full half hour massage, and that’s partially because the products helped with any pain that would have happened in my hands from rubbing him for that long!


Foot Spasm Relief

CTFO Ultimate Deep Healing Pain Cream with Emu Oil

Feb. 25, 2018: Woke up at 10:57,PM, with a serious spasm in my right foot. Rubbed in some CTFO Deep Healing Cream. 11:04PM, spasm gone. Usually it takes hours of heat to stop the spasms. Thank God I had this cream.


Migraine, Pain Relief, Muscle Tightness

I received ultimate deep healing pain cream today. I applied myself to right ride of my neck/shoulders/traps. 
I received almost instant relief for my tight neck and traps. The tightness pulls so hard, I have almost constant migraines from the tightness since my Botox wore off. Migraine was down to less than a 1 in less than 5 or 10 minutes. 
What was also impressive was within a couple minutes after applying to my right side, I noticed how tight my left side was. I never think about my left side because my right side is so bad. This proved to me It truly worked because it relieved the severe tightness enough to recognize the other side was tight, too....Everyone needs to know about this!


Back pain relief 

Ultimate deep healing cream 
I’ve had a bad back for years!!! 2 car accidents and 3 Kids later it’s not getting any better!!! I’ve used every over the counter pain medication, Pain cream, massage, chiropractor, physiotherapy. You name it I’ve tried it. 
Always getting a small amount of relief. 
So I thought I would try CTFO CBD Ultimate deep healing cream I’ve been using it every other day since Friday and wow the pain is subsiding I haven’t taken any robax Advil or Tylenol in a week!!! This just blows my mind. I can’t wait to try it with the oil when I get home from vacation!!! Thanks CTFO your rocking my world


Pain & Insomnia Relief

Just received my oil Friday. Started using it right away.
Also bought the sleep spray!! OMG!! I SLEPT and even slept in. I used two sprays but I think I will only do one spray next time.
I haven’t felt this good in a long time. I also have arthritis in hands and feet. Went for a 45 min walk this morning, and went for a motorcycle ride (own bike) this afternoon.
Feet don’t hurt and hands feel good. I’m loving this oil.


Menstrual cramps

I’m an ICU night shift nurse. While at work last night one of My coworkers was complaining about how her menstrual cramps were “killing” her. I offered to give her some CBD oil to see if it would help. She asked if she could also take ibuprofen with it. I told her to try the oil first and see how it did. I gave her 5(?) drops of the 1500mg oil. Forgot all about it until today. I just texted her and asked if it helped. She said “yes, and I never had to take any ibuprofen!”


CTFO is amazing!! I starting taking 10 drops daily under my tongue & I would rub the drops on my wrist.. The 1st week I didnt notice any difference.. The 2nd week I increased the drops to 20 drops under my tongue.. That week I notice my brace was irratating my wrist.
Once I removed the brace I had no pain.. but I was too scared to keep it off..
I begin to notice I had no pain taking off my clothes.. I wasn’t able to put on my shoes by myself!! My husband had to help me do everything! & I mean every thing!! It’s going on the 2nd month now.. I do not have any pain!!! ?????????? I have no more CBD oil which now I have to put it on auto-ship... I don’t want to be without it...
This stuff works.. I am sooo grateful for this CTFO CBD Oil.. I can’t wait to try all of the products.. I thank God everyday!! 
U just don’t know how bad the pain was!!! Yes I said was!! Yaaaaas!!


Sinus headaches / migraines

For as long as I can remember, changes in the weather and seasons have always given me tremendous headaches. (I guess my head is like a barometer. LOL). Often I would wake up in the morning in pain that would last all day, and no over-the-counter remedies even made a dent in it.

I am happy to say that since starting on the 500 mg CBD drops, I have not had any severe headaches. A couple of times I felt the pressure that precedes these headaches, but the actual headaches themselves never developed.

Quality-of-life is definitely much better without sinus migraines! Thank you CTFO.



I have dealt with chronic pain and migraines for over half of my life. I hated being on all the prescriptions and dealing with the side effects. About a year ago, I started seeing a chiropractor on a weekly basis and eliminated many foods that would trigger pain. Improvement - yes, but still some days of pain. Then two weeks ago, I started taking CBD 500 mg drops twice a day. Oh my goodness - what an amazing result! I did a long road trip that first weekend and shoveled snow for three days straight. Normally, all of that would send me into an instant fibromyalgia attack. Nothing - no pain or relapse! Yesterday was my first migraine (triggered by work stress) since beginning the drops. I took an extra dose in the afternoon and my pain dropped enough to finish out the work day! My husband also reports that I have stopped walking in a fog all day long; partly because I am now off ALL prescription meds. Natural medicine is amazing!!!!


Fibromyalgia, Migraine and Tooth Extraction Pain Relief

Ultimate Deep Healing Pain Cream with Emu Oil - 150mg CBD.

I am in love with this cream!
I suffer from severe fibromyalgia pain that makes it hard for me to live life normally at the best of times, coupled with crippling chronic migraines.

I am mother to 3 children ages 1, 2 & 9 and therefore giving in to the pain and staying in bed is not an option. I've never been one for pharmaceuticals as I have found they all turn me into a walking zombie. So for years I have just lived with the pain, pushing through no matter how hard it was.

The other day my first shipment of this cream came in and let me tell you, I will never stop using it! The first day, was a bad day. I had just had a wisdom tooth removed and was in way more pain then normal, I used the cream the moment I opened the box on my lower back, shoulders, jaw, temples and my legs.

Within 20 minutes of using the cream, my face no longer hurt from the dental surgery, the migraine that was starting faded away, my lower back felt a thousand times better and my legs no longer wanted to give out from under me.

I was in awe to say the least! 
It's been 5 day of using this cream now and my life is changing for the better!
I can play with my kids! I can go for walks again! I feel like I have taken back my life and I couldn't be happier!


Nerve pain

week 3 of the 500mg CBD Oil am noticing more relief the longer I use it, seems to target in on the pain that needs help and the last couple of days was my nerve pain that radiates thru my Butt! I'm absolutely amazed...


Diabetes Relief.

My name is Tracey and this is my story.

I have had type 2 diabetes for 4 years now. I was on metformin twice a day.

I started taking this new 100% pure CBD OIL 4 months ago and last week I got the go ahead to stop my medication from my Dr.
So far my sugars are normal, my feet don't tingle and I feel great.
Best thing I ever did was switch CBD OILS.

Gallbladder pain CBD Oil 
Ok so January I was having huge problems with my gallbladder (pain was so bad thought I might have been having a heart attack). spent a week in and out of the hospital trying to manage the pain. I have to have it removed but on a 9 month waiting list. I hate taking pain meds of any kind.

So I figured why not give CBD Oil a try and guess what its been almost a month and no huge flair ups . I still have light ones as the stones are really big but it feels more like I ate a little to much then feeling like Im having a heart attack. Even the flair ups arent coming as often like I have only had three.

Cant get over how much it has helped me..


Arthritis relief

I've been taking tramadol and diclofenac for my arthritis pain in my knee. With those two painkillers, by the end of the night, my knee is throbbing. Recently, I've started taking the 750mg CBD oil twice a day, once in the morning and once at night. Since using the CBD oil, I'm able to work a whole 10 hour shift with little to no discomfort or pain.

Blood Sugar Reduction

Hello Everyone... Well I guess it's time for a Testimonial, I've been taking my drops now for two solid weeks and as a diabetic I was hoping to see a slight improvement in my blood sugar numbers. 
Much to my surprise this morning when I took my sugar levels I was actually at a 99 which for a diabetic Is absolutely amazing. (26 point drop in two weeks)
Now, I haven't changed my diet or anything else radical in my life.
I can completely attribute this life changing event to my CBD oil. (500 mg strength)
Also, lets not leave out the overall benefit of just feeling better.
I'm looking forward to seeing my doctor in the near future to discuss a reduction of my daily meds.
So lets keep the faith and march on to bring wellness to the world!!!

Diabetes and Crohn’s Relief

I have multiple health issues. Diabetes, and Crohn's disease are two issues.

After only around a month of taking the 750mg CDB, I've noticed a remarkable improvement in my A1-C and my Crohn's disease along with my lactose intolerance symptoms have all but disappeared.
I'm increasing my intake to 1500mg in an effort to eliminate my type II diabetes and help with my emotional disorder issues.
Amazing stuff.


Blood pressure and insomnia relief
So here is my testimonial so far. Let me tell you, I feel fantastic this morning?? 
Some of you know that I've been dealing with high blood pressure issues for a long time now, we are talking 154-179/95-101
This is with meds. This issue had caused me headaches(10 on a 1-10 scale for pain) , insomnia and anxiety about sleeping. This morning I checked my blood pressure.............124/82. It has not been in this range for a long time. I feel calmer, not as stressed and have been sleeping great. Usually when I wake of a morning, I seriously feel like death, not the last few days. 
I'm so happy that I decided to bite the bullet and try this. Even though sometimes we don't have the extra money, this will be a top priority for me from now on. 
I've even had one of my customers comment on how happy I was today compared to normal. 
I hope you guys will try it soon, I just know you will not be disappointed. 
Ooh and btw, my severe knee pain that I used to grin and bear, now is barely noticeable. 
What a win for me. 

Hot flashes

I am queen of the ever constant hot flash and last night I made it through the night without a single one! I woke a little warm and kicked off my blankets a few times but no perspiration!!!!! You can never understand what that means unless you’ve suffered with it.
That was one dropper of the 750 earlier in the evening.

Diabetic relief!

I have been very concerned about my A1C. Every time I would have blood work done, my A1C would keep goin up.

I am pleased to report that since February taking the 1500 mg CTFO CBD Oil 2xday as suggested, my A1C has gone from 6 down to 4.9!

Lupus, Sjogren's, Fibro, Neuropathy, Arthritis PAIN

I started taking the 1500 mg CBD Oil as soon as it hit the market. I had given up because I was in so much pain and was not participating in life any longer. The meds they had me on were no longer helping the way they use to. This is NOT A CURE for these diseases, but I am now virtually pain-free. I am no longer using a walker or cane. I haven't fallen even once since using it. My Neuropathy is almost completely gone. I am back to walking my little Shih-Tzu twice a day and ARE YOU READY FOR THIS????....I AM RIDING MY BIKE AGAIN! I am in my 60's and had little hope for anything "normal" for whatever time I have left. NOW I am able to enjoy life again. People are AMAZED when they see me now, after seeing how I was before CTFO CBD. I have been screaming it's praises. THANK YOU CTFO!


Chiari Malformation1, Pituitary Tumor, migraines, Anxiety, Chronic Pain, seizures, Hypothyroidism and Pancreatitis, insomnia. 

500mg oil drop & Ultimate Deep healing Pain cream

Hi my name is Wendy, I am 37 years old. I have a lot health issues since I was a kid. I have had migraines since I was 8 years old. I had my gallbladder removed 7/7/07. I developed Pancreatitis right after I had my baby in 2009. 
I didn't find out I had Chiari Malformation 1 & pituitary tumor until 2014. I started passing out and kept losing my balance and started having seizures. I kept seeing my Chiropractor to help with tractions to help with inflammation around my neck to help with blood circulation.

I found out around the same time I have hypothyroidism and started having anxiety. I have Chronic pain and inflammation due to all my conditions.

Since I started using 500mg oil drops and my Ultimate Deep Healing Pain Cream in the last 3 weeks I haven't had a migraine and the pain has subsided significantly. I sleep better and my Anxiety is improving. I have not had a seizure since I started taking the CBD drops. I take 20 drops in the morning and 20 drops at lunch time and another 20 drops before bed.

I use the Ultimate Deep Healing cream at least 3 times a day. I am extremely happy and blessed to have finally found something that works for me!! Especially since I am allergic to most pain meds and end up having a lot of side effects. I will never stop using my CBD Oils!!??


Blood Pressure Improvement

So excited!!! At my Dr visit today...BP lower than 30 years ago!!! 108/76... Wahoo!!! :)

Neck Pain, Diabetes Relief & Weight Loss 

Our CBD Products have provided me with a number of positive results from lowering my diabetes numbers (using the 300 CBD oil twice daily) to losing 15 lbs (chewing the Chew Off The Fat Tablets 3 times daily).

The pain that I have experienced for over 20 years from a degenerative disk in my neck is actually GONE! No more shoulder/neck/arm pain and tingling.

I am actually stunned at the results I'm getting and I'm urging everyone that see me and recognize my weight loss, that CTFO is the REAL DEAL!


 Headache Relief 

It's allergy season and I get headaches.

This morning I decided to try the Pain Relief Cream with CBD and Emu Oil for my headache. I put the cream across my forehead and on my cheeks.
Immediately the tension was gone and within 5 minutes or so, my headache was gone.
That was 4 hours ago!!!!!


Back Surgery & Migraines week 3

I woke up with the most unusual feeling this morning. I was a bit confused at first. Then I realized for the first time in 5+ years I have NO PAIN!!!! No headache, No back pain (even though less than 3 weeks ago I had back surgery). I honestly had no pain at all. God is great! Idk how long it will last but I’m loving it! Now to remember No bending, lifting or twisting! ?? No pain meds this whole week only my CBD oil!



My Mom has suffered for many, many years with both types of Arthritis in her hands. Always in burning, throbbing pain, loss of grip and emotional fustration as she was not able to do the things she was used to doing. She has spent endless hours awake at night and way to much money on over the counter creams, sprays and oral medications. After 1 day of using CTFO Ultimate Deep Healing Cream with Emu Oil, she is smiling, no fustration, no burning or throbbing in her hands, she has regained grip ( back to knitting she goes) and she has CTFO to Thank.

She has found the Gold at the end of her Rainbow, Ultimate Deep Healing Cream with Emu Oil and CTFO.


Non-Diabetic Pain

I have non diabetic neuropathy I was addicted to Morphine and Norco thanks to the medical doctors but thanks to the pain relief cream I am now pain free and off all prescription pain meds. Finally a clear thinking mind thanks to CBD creams

Diabetic Pain

I just have to say, my husband and I are both loving the products, I am starting the 500mg and he is on his 2nd bottle of 750mg. I am a type 1 (insulin dependent) diabetic, I also have scoliosis that causes me to be in pain on a daily basis, and he is suffering from a neck/shoulder injury that happened back in 2011, we are both reaping the benefits of the cbd oil!!! We are so much happier and feeling so much better than what we were!!! 

Tendonitis and Insomnia Relief

I love the ultimate deep healing pain relief cream.

I’m having tendonitis so bad right now but I can put a dab on there and viola within 5 minutes the pain is gone !!

I use the sleep spray also and I went from an average of 2-3 hours a night to 6-7 a night.

I’ve tried everything for the past 15 years and nothing compares to this !!!

So blessed to have found CTFO!!


Fibromyalgia, Migraines, Depression, Anxiety, Insomnia, Spinal Surgery & My CTFO Business

(CBD Oil 1500 mg and Ultimate Deep Healing Pain Cream with Emu Oil )

This is my story. It's long but my journey has been longer. It's been in my drafts in progress for weeks.

I have had fibromyalgia for over 26 years. I also suffered from depression, anxiety and migraines with aura for most of my life. And let's not forget insomnia which came along about 10 years ago.

For my migraines, I have taken almost every prescription medication available through the years including Fiorinal with Codeine, Imitrex, Zomig, Demerol, Inderal, Tylenol 3, Cafergot, Maxalt & Naproxen to name a few. Preventative meds caused nasty side effects so that wasn't an option other than taking magnesium supplements. For my depression/anxiety, over the last 33 years, I have taken all of the following antidepressants. Changes to medications usually occurred due to side effects or being no longer effective: Prozac, Zoloft, Effexor, Cymbalta, Paxil, Celexa and Wellbutrin. The withdrawal symptoms were almost worse than being on the drugs. For my insomnia, I was prescribed Ativan, Ambien, Tramadol and Lorazepam, And finally, for my fibromyalgia symptoms, there was a correlation between the antidepressants and symptom relief however, for good measure, let's add some more drugs. I was given Lyrica then Gabapentin and eventually Naproxen. I was on Naproxen coupled with Extra Strength Tylenol for years before discovering CBD oil.

In 2011, I had a car accident...hit from behind..car totalled. This caused a tear in my rotator cuff and required open shoulder surgery in 2013. Then, a tumour was discovered on my T8 vertebrae. I had spinal surgery (a triple laminectomy of T7-T9) in November 2017....benign (thankfully)....6-12 month recovery. Still recovering. It was the WORST pain of my life....not exaggerating. Apparently, for those of us who have fibromyalgia, the pain is significantly worse as our nerve endings are always on "edge".

When I discovered CBD oil, I weaned off 4 medications out of 5 within 30 days. It was incredible! And then a couple of months before my spinal surgery, I noticed that I wasn't getting the same relief. I needed to find a CBD oil with a higher potency & possibly better quality. Surgery caused a major setback. I was on Hydromorphone and then Tylenol 3 and back on Naproxen and Tylenol. I was also still on Wellbutrin. My doctor was supportive of me getting off these nasty drugs when I felt ready.

I ordered the 1500 mg CBD oil and the Ultimate Deep Healing Pain Cream with Emu Oil. I was still taking a high dose of Naproxen daily and Wellbutrin. On the first day that I took the 1500 mg, my pain went from a 9 to a 6 in about 30 minutes. The constant pain in my back from the surgery made it difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep. The pain cream was applied to my back every night and it really helped me to not focus on the pain as much.

I have now been taking the 1500 mg CBD oil for just over a month. I'm up to 10 drops 3 times a day. I still use the pain relief cream every night before bed. This is ALL I'm using for pain now. Mornings are bad. Wake up and the pain is an 8-9, Within 30 minutes, it drops to a 5-6 now after 10 drops. It's manageable and allows me to do my physio and focus on recovery. I hadn't had a migraine either until last week. I think it was weather related. I took an extra 10 drops once my aura started and I rubbed the pain relief cream on my temples and forehead. Within 30 minutes, the aura was gone and I was up about an hour after it had started with only a mild headache left. No nausea and no lethargy from the old Rx meds!

My doctor can't believe that 3 months after my surgery, I'm doing as well as I am. He hasn't had to refill my prescriptions which was surprising to him. He was also pleased to see that I wasn't depressed considering my pain level and the fact that I have been house bound until very recently. Soon, I will be starting the long journey of weaning off my last Rx medication. Due to the half life of the antidepressants, I am extremely grateful that I now have CBD oil to help me counteract the side effects.

I attribute my improvements to CTFO. Not only has it improved my HEALTH but it has dramatically increased my WEALTH.

One of my biggest fears last year was being off work due to my chronic conditions and pending surgery. I sincerely believe that through the Law of Attraction and my daily meditation practice, that I was able to set things in motion that led me to these life changing products and this incredible opportunity. In a very short amount of time, I have created a business that allows me to earn more than I ever have in my corporate positions. I have an amazing team of people who motivate me every day to push myself. I get to work from home and no more sick days. They are all "me" days. I have finally found my passion and this is my story. I now get to share it knowing that I'm helping people change their lives too.

CTFO has changed my HEALTH and my WEALTH. It has changed MY future outcome and I know that this is just the beginning...


Fibromyalgia Pain Relief

So I get this pain on the top outer side of my feet. It’s a nerve pain associated with my fibromyalgia. Sometimes it hurts to wear shoes. I used my Ultimate Deep Healing Pain Cream and finally some relief!! I only had to use it twice today vs umpteen million pills!! 


Hyper Thyroid Relief

January 2018 had blood work done for new insurance physical. Thyroid labs came back as Hyper (don't know medical name). My numbers were high, I think like 1200.

Fast forward to May 2018, updated labs. Thyroid numbers are normal in the 200s.

I credit God first and Him creating Hemp plants, then CTFO bringing this awesome oil to us. I started out with the 300mg and upgraded to the 500mg in April.

Thank you CTFO and Lorenzo Doss for introducing the greatest products and business opportunity I have ever seen or been in.

CTFO products are making a difference in my life. Can't wait to start on the weight loss products.

Dementia Relief

Testimonial of my 89-year-old Mom

~ I started giving my Mom 5 drops am and pm on the CBD a month ago.

She had major signs of dementia. She could not remember dates she would ask me minimum 3x a day questions I had already told her. She would sleep all day and up all night. 
Well, she is now as swift as when she was 85 remembers her dates talks about yesterday with recollection.

Sleeps Nights and up through the day.

My sister was talking to my Mom last week over the phone then asked to talk to me and said Lynda do not ever take Mom off the CBD, my god, she remembers like she use to

After I hung up the phone I teared of joy!

Also, I noticed my Mothers eyes are crystal clear.
I want to thank God for giving us this amazing hemp plant with pure CBD to heal our Bodies I am more than amazed by all these results. I have My mom back and she is no longer in sadness of this horrible sickness Dementia


Type 2 diabetic

I have been suspecting for a while now that my cbd oil has been helping to regulate my blood sugar. I am type 2 diabetic. My average blood sugar is 7.4 to 7.7. My doctor was good with that but I always tried to get it into the 6’s. If I ate anything I shouldn’t my blood would hit 12 or higher and still be over 8 the next morning. Well last night I tried a little experiment. I ate battered fish and fries for supper. A strict no-no for me. I checked my blood 3 hours later and it was 10.6. High but not as high as usual so I had a glass of Pepsi ( not sugar free but the real stuff. Lol ) That should put it over the top. This morning when I check my blood sugar I expected at least an 8 or higher. It was 6.4!!! Yes, my drops definitely worked. I take half a dropper of 750mg two times a day. I love my cbd. Thank you April Geysen for introducing them to me.

Smoking Cessation; Quitting Smoking
I (unfortunately) have been a smoker for longer than I'll admit here. 4+ decades....... I made a vow to myself that when I began the regimen of 750mg oil I would give myself the gift of no more cigarettes.
I can proudly say at this juncture that I have not had a single puff in 4 weeks. So I've stopped smoking, but reserve the right to say I've quit until I hit the 6-month timeframe (which I WILL do). The CBD helped with the addiction part of smoking, and I worked on my mind for the habit portion.
I am so pleased with the results, and it wasn't hard at all. I feel so much better, and wake up with a fresh mouth vs. a tongue which felt like the Russian army had marched all night over it. Again, CTFO to the rescue! I am confident that I have CRUSHED that habit and addiction!


Anxiety, Depression, Pain, Mood swing and weight loss Relief

My one month (30-day) report on the use of the 500mg CBD Hemp oil--the 5 main benefits I have experienced (this stuff is amazing): 
1. Less anxiety and depression
2. No more annoying aches and pains in my joints
3. Better sleep at night (good dreams) -- more relaxed
4. Diminished mood swings -- able to concentrate more
5. Loss of weight, loss of appetite and more energy
I am very satisfied with the results. Last night I ordered another months supply, but this time around I have upgraded and decided to purchase the 750mg bottle of CBD oil to see how it works. I highly recommend it


Pain Relief ?? 

This note on the bathroom mirror is from my husband. He has severe shoulder pain and can’t get the 2nd surgery for full shoulder replacement for 8 more years. This is his major pain source but a few others low back, knees, getting older is not what it’s cracked up to be! 
Anyway he started with 750mgs he now has it dialed in 25 drops am and pm. Next bottle will be 1500 mgs. This coupled with the pain cream is wonderful


Weight loss and Energy

To my delight I went to my mailbox yesterday and this little ray of sunshine was there. I went overboard and sprayed 6 pumps into my mouth. Let’s just say, “ That wasn’t the best thing to do, at 5 pm”. I was awake until 3am dancing and cleaning. I slept (I use the term loosely) for a couple of hours before getting ready for my day time hobby (job) and I did not feel sleepy or groggy. I also had the energy to work out. I highly recommend this spray if you would like to slow down with the cravings.


Tremor Relief and Appetite Reduction

Hello everyone. I want to introduce myself. I am Ruth and I started last month to see if this hemp stuff would help my tremors in my hands.
Well on that note, yes it is helping a lot I can see the difference. I have been using the 750 twice a day since I Joined.
Well another thing I have noticed is I normally eat breakfast as soon as I get up because I am hungry.
Well the last 2 days I have been having my hemp as soon as I wake up and not eating breakfast. Well this is day 2 and I did my dropper at 730am and y'all next thing I new it was 230pm and I was not even hungry at all. I stayed busy and didn't even realize I had not eaten.. I did eat a piece of homemade beef jerky and that’s all besides my water.
Then we when to dinner at Mazzio's for our grandson's birthday and normally I eat 2 plates of salad. All I could eat was 1 and I was totally full..
This hemp stuff sure curbs my appetite..
Best thing I have ever tried.. Can’t wait to see what all it does for me..


Better Sleep = CBD Sleep Support Oral Spray

Hey for anyone who suffers from the dreadful sleeping problems, work night shift and can’t sleep during the day, look no further I have the hardest time falling asleep and staying asleep. I have taken sleeping pills, and you name it to try and get some proper much needed sleep. Well I received my order of the CBD Sleep Spray yesterday. I worked nights last night so I thought I would give it a go this morning. Guess what guys I slept from 8-3 without waking up once. Normally I get maybe a couple hours sleep.. I will be trying it again and will let you know the results again, but for now I am giving this an A+ for helping me!!


Pain Relief, Bursitis Relief, Carpal Tunnel Relief, Wrinkle Relief 

Several points to my wife's testimony....
I originally started CBD for the terrifying periods I get every month. BUT my story changes 
Debilitating pain, missed days off work always, wish I could bury myself for 2 weeks every month, fibroids and severe mood swings.
Last month everything was "normal" symptoms for a period. I thought it was too good to be true.
This month I know it's any time, and I know it's creeping up on me, but NO symptoms at all!!!
During the last 5 weeks, I was to go for 2 cortisone shots in February. I postponed them as I wanted to see how my CBD oil would do. Now I've cancelled them!
1. For bursitis in my hips
2. One for carpel tunnel on my left wrist
It's now March 8, and I have NO symptoms and have full movement in my wrist with NO pain.
My hip had a very dull bruise feeling - once in a while..
I can't believe the results!!! I feel great, I feel positive, and definitely have more energy.
I also just tried the INSTA-LIFT WRINKLE REMOVER cream! I HATE my "frown" lines on my forehead... When you look at me that's all you see. I have a horrible habit of frowning even when I'm happy. I put it on one side and was very please with the results... My camera is not that good, but I hope you can tell the difference....this is only one use.
I have reduced my meds by 1/2 and still feel great!!
I have FULL movement with my wrist, no pain!!
My hip, slightly feels sore. I don't even need cream.
Thank you CTFO for changing my life


Arthritis and COPD Relief 

After 2 weeks on the 500mg Hemp Oil ~ Am I grateful the arthritis in my hands is gone? ~ YES!! Am I grateful I sleep better and mind fog has lifted? ~ YES!!
BUT ~ HERE is the real testimony ~
I'm only a 52-year-old overweight male smoker who lives in a mile-high altitude. Turns out, that is the trifecta for emphysema (aka COPD). For the first 50 years of my life, I was a typical guy that felt invincible. In the last 2+ years, I have been humbled (and even humiliated in public) by my inability to get enough oxygen. I could NOT take a DEEP breath to save my life (so I felt literally).
2 WEEKS ~ THAT'S ALL ~ 2 WEEKS and now I drive and walk around for work and catch myself feeling AMAZED & BLESSED that I can take a deep breath TO MY LUNGS FULL CAPACITY.


Sleep Support

Just a quick testimonial. I've had sleep issues as long as I can remember. I try to get at least eight hours but usually wake up after 3 - 4 and toss and turn, mind racing, etc., for 2 - 3 hours and then finally get another 1 - 2 before I awaken still very tired. This goes on every night. I ordered the Sleep Support Spray and used it for the first time last night. When I woke up this morning I felt totally refreshed and energized. I got 7 hours of sleep and never woke up once during the night. I can't remember the last time that happened, but I have a feeling that it's going to be happening every night from now on. Changed my future outcome.


Tendonitis and Insomnia Relief

I love the ultimate deep healing pain relief cream.
I’m having tendonitis so bad right now but I can put a dab on there and viola within 5 minutes the pain is gone !!
I use the sleep spray also and I went from an average of 2-3 hours a night to 6-7 a night.
I’ve tried everything for the past 15 years and nothing compares to this !!!
So blessed to have found CTFO!! Thanks Susan Luelf for telling me about this amazing company!!


Fibromyalgia, Pain and Headache Relief

I have fibromyalgia, chronic pain and aches, cluster headaches, vertigo, damaged C5-C6 and osteoarthritis in my neck and hands. I am in pain 24/7. By supper time my back is so sore, it hurts to breath. When I get up and start walking, my lower back and ankles seize up and it takes me a few steps to get things moving.
I got my bottle of 500mg yesterday. I took 5 drops late in the evening. I woke up this morning and my ankles didn’t hurt that bad and I could actually stand up straight right away. I was skeptical, thinking give it a few mins. It will hurt. Nope it didn’t. I did 5 drops in the morning. I did my day of running around, getting groceries. That usually kills my back. Nope, felt good. I was doing dishes after supper tonight and my back didn’t hurt at all. When I crawl into bed, my lower back is usually very sore and it takes a long time to get comfortable. It doesn’t hurt at all.
I really hope these drops can keep the pain away. I might actually have a chance at a decent life.


Chronic pain

not to sound dramatic, it’s very true , my own husband story, he used to couldn’t sleep at night and he had bad knee pain he start using cbd oil and now he get so relief , trust me , I am very honest person and wanted to share my experience with you all , CBD hemp oil saved my husband life and now he can work more stronger ..


Fibromyalgia pain, pts, depression 

I just got my ctfo cbd oils on Monday of this week. Just in time for my son's birthday party this weekend. And I started noticing a difference with in the first 10 mins of taking it. My nerves stopped felling like a burning sensation and the tightness if my shoulders started to relax. And it was such a blessing feeling to feel. I have also gave it to my small dog for his anxiety and separation anxiety and it has made him for the better. He it able to be left alone for a few hours so I can run errands. And when I get him his not barking and whining and scratching his dog kennel. So going to spread the work and have others try this product and have them become better educated about what cbd are and what they do for you


Back pain relief 

Ultimate deep healing cream 
I’ve had a bad back for years!!! 2 car accidents and 3 Kids later it’s not getting any better!!! I’ve used every over the counter pain medication, Pain cream, massage, chiropractor, physiotherapy. You name it I’ve tried it. 
Always getting a small amount of relief. 
So I thought I would try CTFO CBD Ultimate deep healing cream I’ve been using it every other day since Friday and wow the pain is subsiding I haven’t taken any robax Advil or Tylenol in a week!!! This just blows my mind. I can’t wait to try it with the oil when I get home from vacation!!! Thanks CTFO your rocking my world



Day 17 of my CBD journey pair with my 6 plus years, chronic pain journey...
Well, so far, so good... I have just added our oral pain spray to the CTFO CBD products that I use... While I’m very open about my Fibromyalgia and other chronic issues, I have not talked about my total knee replacements that I had back in 2011 (April and Oct)...
I have ALOT of post neuropathy pain which adds to the difficulty of basic walking (that I already have)...
Pain level was about an 8 on the 1-10 scale.... I used 6 sprays sublingual and not even a minute later, my knee pain was about 80% GONE!! Havent felt this good in over 10 years!!
Cant wait to try it when I get my next killer Migraine!


Stroke Symptom Relief

This video is me back in January but nothing had really changed as of last week.
I had a stroke in December. I had prior nerve damage due to diabetic neuropathy my hips 75% covered with arthritis.
I also have several other health issues. My stroke has left damage to my nervous system. I have been unable to return to my 2 jobs. I just found this product on Monday. Today is the third day of using CTFO CBD . Guess who is walking in 3 inch heels and is walking normal as of waking up this morning. ME!!!!!!!! Thanks CTFO



Listen Here: https://fccdl.in/NLMsXRoI35

- Karen's Powerful CTFO CBD Story.
- Hear all about the 3 NON-CBD that started it all 3 years ago
- Try Super7, ChewOff & ShakeOff Today
- Share our miracle products with as many people as possible 
- Call is only 20 Minutes - Truly Incredible Call
- Changing The Future Outcome Of People's Health


Pinworm Relief and Insomnia Relief

300mg oil, 9yr old girl
So this may be a little gross for some but my daughter has had many bouts of pinworms. 
The other night she mentioned her bum was itchy on the inside again and had started that afternoon. (It has actually been awhile since the last time) 
I figured what the hell, worth a shot, gave her 1 drop of my oil. 
I asked her the next afternoon after school if her bum was still itchy, she said it was a little but not bad, so that night I gave her 2 drops. And again I waited till after school (yesterday) to ask her and she was so happy because her bum wasn’t itchy at all! 
So I don't know if she actually had pinworms again or not because it was just the beginning but if it was I do believe the oil helped get rid of it and bonus it helped her sleep better on top of it. (She does not sleep very well)


Rheumatoid arthritis help!

I started using CBD oil not quite three weeks ago. I had tried this in a capsule form previously and didn't think much of it. Recently however, a friend of mine started using CBD oil from CTFO for her Lupus, and has had amazing and life changing results. This prompted me to do some research on the use of CBD oil. I was convinced enough to give it a good try. I ordered a bottle of the 750mg oil.

I have significant allergies (mold, dust, cats, all pollens...), fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, and high blood pressure. I started using the CBD oil by dropper under my tongue, but quickly moved to vaping the oil. Prior to starting the oil, I was using my rescue inhaler almost daily, methotrexate weekly (used for autoimmune disease such as rheumatoid arthritis), and found my blood pressure medication wasn't working for as long as the dosage was meant to.

Since I started using the CBD oil, I have not used my rescue inhaler once, have had normal blood pressure throughout the day and night, the heart racing I was experiencing in the evening is gone, and in general my pain has been significantly reduced. Not only have I noticed a huge reduction in pain, but I have not taken my methotrexate in two weeks!!! This is completely amazing to me because I have had almost zero pain in my hands from the rheumatoid arthritis, and the swelling is much better, all without the methotrexate. I am not suggesting anyone discontinue medication without the advice of a physician, but I did stop the methotrexate (not the BP meds thought!!) on my own. I am so grateful for CTFO's CBD oil!


Chronic Pain, Stress and Anxiety, Insomnia Relief...

This is just my journey so far.....
CBD oils saved my life. Not to sound dramatic, it’s true. Trust me, I am one of the most reluctant person to talk about my story over the Internet...
I rarely if ever complain publicly about the chronic pain I have had to deal with over the years or the anxiety that comes on so quickly and can be so intense I would dread when certain stressful situations could possibly arise. I had insomnia for so many years growing up and the doctors tried all the sleeping pills.... they worked for a few weeks maybe.... but never longer.
When I became sick with a gastrointestinal issue that that ended up with me in the hospital. I was 98 lbs, dehydrated and anemic... it wasn’t pretty.
The doctors actually at the time brought up the benefits of CBD oils and they explained to me that to avoid my body shutting down from the inability to eat or digest, plus the other issues (that I had always just lived with and got through the days the best I could) I would need to make a decision to take advantage of this opportunity to make myself better my body better, my mind better and not have to rely on pills.
I chose CTFO and decided to BE a CUSTOMER first and foremost. I immediately purchased the 500mg and 1500 mg CBD oil (figured that would help me to see the differences) The Pain relief topical CBD oil 60mg that also has Emu oil infused in it which has amazing healing properties of its own that when added together should obliterate whatever pain I was having. 
I also got started with the oral sprays for stress/anxiety/sleep and the one for pain relief.
With what I’ve already started using I can say honestly I have at least 75% less pain already. I’m still playing with the different strengths for different circumstances. I sleep through the night - I dream! I haven’t felt that intense anxiety that can take over.
These products have already changed my life for the better and I plan to document my whole journey but I felt this could also be my first testimonial since using these products.


Shoulder Pain Relief

I have been waiting to post this, until I had the good results that I KNEW would come.
I have suffered from a nagging shoulder pain for about 9 years. I injured my left shoulder somehow during my days as a professional dog trainer. This pain has been constant, but only when I raise my arm above my chest, or when I try to sleep on my left side. I kind of assumed it was a rotator cuff injury, and know so many who went through that surgery and were not any better afterwards. So I’ve put up with it.
I began daily doses of 750mg CTFO oil 4 weeks ago. It took three days to get the dosage correct, but I am now taking 15 drops 2X per day; morning and evening. This is the ONLY change I have made; I take NOTHING ELSE for the pain, and never have.
In 5 days I noticed a slight increase in the mobility of the left shoulder before the pain would kick in. By the time 12 days had passed, my pain level went from an 8 to a 2 when I had my arm fully extended above my head (I first noticed it in the shower).
Today, I have full mobility with NO PAIN in the shoulder, no matter what I do with the left arm, or where I place it…..
I am so thankful to be pain free. One never understands what limitations one gets when a shoulder is “out of whack”…..but believe me, they exist. Even putting a coat on has to be re-learned!
Now I have my shoulder back! 
Thank you CTFO for these incredible products.


Pet Health and Wellness Spray

My dog Moe has been in hospital for arthritis and the Back problems of weiner dogs , well he wasn’t able to even walk yesterday and today he’s up and moving !!! He has literally had 2 sprays of the pet wellness spray .. living the pet product so far !! He is not having the pain he was having , as he’s not whining like he was before!!



I've had 3 back surgerys 2 steel rods, 6 screws and 2 wire Cage's in one year 2 year's ago, I still suffered with back and leg pain untell yesterday is the first time I tried CBD oils, I only took 3 drops under my tongue in the morning and went about my day not thinking about the oils, infact I had forgotten all about taking the oils untell I went to get out of bed at night and realized I didn't have any pain in my back or my legs. It felt amazing!! First time in years I had no pain. Up untill that night I really wasn't sold on CBD but after taking it just once and it took the pain away!! imagine how much it will help me by taking it every day!! I would recommend CBD to everyone, it has so many benefits it's unbelievable. For anyone that is hesitant message me or give me a call. Now to reduce the several pills I take 24 hrs to deal with the pain.... Wheen off I can't wait!

Initially, I ordered the 300mg CBD Oil and the anti-stress spray to help with Depression and PTSD. Ever since taking the oil and spray (which is almost a month ago), I haven't experienced a "low" day and haven't had any nightmares.
The next order we had placed was for the 1500mg CBD oil, Energy Blast Spray and the Pain Free-ze Rub. The Energy Blast was for me (being a busy mom of three boys) and the oil and pain rub was going to be for my husband who had separated his shoulder from a snow boarding accident.
Now, since I was 12-13 years old (I am now 26) every month I suffered from my period with horrible cramps, anemia, severe fatigue and pretty well monthly I would pass out. I've been to so many doctors, specialists and an internist to try and fix this and nothing has worked. Usually my 1st and 2nd day of me being on my period would be a complete write-off and I'd have to spend the day in bed or on the couch.
Yesterday, I took the 1500mg CBD oil because in the morning I was so weak and out of it from my period. 15 minutes later I was moving and managed to clean my entire house, did 4 loads of laundry and washed my floors and windowsills. Then after making lunch, I took a few sprays of the Energy Blast spray and got to enjoy the sunshine and go for a walk with my kids. Then came back home and did another 2 loads of laundry. By the end of the day after getting my kids to bed, I did have a very sore lower back. My husband put the pain free-ze rub on it and within minutes the pain was gone.
This morning, I woke up with horrible cramps and my husband was worried I had overdone it the day before. I took more of the 1500mg drops and I feel fantastic! I don't think I've ever had a period in my life where I felt great and functional at the beginning.
I'm blown away! I wasn't even initially taking these products for menstruation. Thanks CTFO for making such amazing products; you are truly helping people.




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